Company Profile

About the Firm

Interscope Headquarters

INTERSCOPE CONSULTANTS LIMITED is a Nigerian firm of Development Consultants, established in 1991 as SCOPE CONSULT.  In 2001, the company was incorporated as a limited liability company and re-named Interscope Consultants Limited.  The firm provides a complete range of consultancy services from the initial investigation, through feasibility studies, project planning, designs and project management.

The Directors and staff of the company have been closely associated with major developmental projects throughout Nigeria for over two decades and have individually and collectively undertaken work in the fields of urban, regional and institutional master planning, roads and bridges, water resources development, environmental engineering and building structures of all types.  The firm has received several awards and commendations for professional excellence and the quality of its services.

At Interscope Consultants Limited, every employee is trained to internalize and promote the Company’s Core Values at all times.

Organization and Policies



Training Policy

The Company recognizes the importance of training, both for new graduates and professionals in mid-career, and for Technicians.  For new graduates, an in-house training scheme is provided in conformity with statutory requirements leading to professional registration.  The competence of all professional staff is continuously up-graded through specialized courses provided by Professional Bodies and other Agencies.

In addition to training programmes for its own staff, the Company undertakes on-the-job training for Employer’s counterpart staff and is pleased to arrange for off-the-job training by way of formal courses and supervised-work-experience in any of the Company’s offices and Sites.

Quality Assurance

It is the policy of Interscope Consultants Limited to offer its Clients, professional services at par with international standards.  In this connection, the company ensures that a thorough system of checks and controls is implemented on a continuing basis to guarantee that all statutory requirements for safety are met both at design and construction stages.

A Total Quality Management approach is adopted to assure that the Company’s work methods and processes are compliant with “Best Practice” in the industry and driven by state of the art technology at all times.

Design Philosophy

At INTERSCOPE CONSULTANTS LIMITED, we bring to building design a unique combination of commitment and sensitivity which is firmly rooted in our belief that excellence is the product of conscious effort.

As a consequence, we approach all design with an eye for a product that goes beyond mere functionality and aesthetics.  Every designed facility is subjected to a series of value-based performance criteria which ensure that our client is getting the best at least cost.

Our Computer-Aided-Design facilities are utilized extensively in researching alternative forms in a manner that lends itself to logical choices based on performance criteria encompassing:

  • Function
  • safety
  • cost
  • aesthetics
  • durability
  • ease if maintenance
  • long term cost-in-use

The Company’s efforts in this regard have been well rewarded over the years as it has been privileged to be commissioned to undertake consultancy services on many projects of national importance.

Areas of Specialization


INTERSCOPE CONSULTANTS LIMITED offers integral professional services to Governments, Parastatals, Banks, Finance Agencies, Corporate Bodies and private developers.

Our services cover the entire spectrum of the development process, spanning, studies, planning, appraisal, design, implementation, management to performance evaluation.  Special attention is paid to cost since efficient use of scare resources has become a major issue.

The main types of projects undertaken by the firm are summarized under the following broad categories:-

Technical Services
Appraisal of existing systems, rehabilitation schemes, structural investigations and remediation, technical audits, procurement audit, advisory and training.

Monitoring And Evaluation Services
Post-commissioning operation and performance evaluation, baseline studies project monitoring, evaluation and  impact assessment services.

Structures Of All Types
High Rise Offices, Universities, Schools, Hospitals, Stadia, Gymnasia.

Civil Infrastructure
Sewage Disposal, Erosion Control, Drainage, Environmental Engineering, Water Supply and Reticulation Networks

Highways And Bridge Works
Major, Rural, Urban And Service Roads

Specialized Industrial Estates
Provision of all requisite infrastructures and production buildings

Water Resources Engineering
Dams, irrigation, rural and urban water supply.  Ground and surface water development for hydro-power, human consumption and agriculture

Power Supply/Rural Electrification
Design of electrical transmission lines, sub-stations and distribution networks


Registration with Statutory Bodies
Interscope Consultants Limited (formerly Scope Consult) is registered with:

  • Federal Ministry of Transportation (REGISTRATION No. 131)
  • COREN (Certificate No. 000181)
  • Federal Ministry of Housing And Environment (Accreditation No. 000080)
  • Association of Consulting Engineers Nigeria (Membership No. 206)
  • Nigerian Society of Engineers (Firm Membership No. 096)


Scope Of Services

Preliminary Studies


(i)  Project definition in co-operation with the Client

  • Outline of alternative schemes
  • Advice on specialist services

Outline Proposals:

(i)     Preliminary appraisal and evaluation of alternative schemes

  • Site investigation and preparation of Technical Report
  • Initial estimates of Project cost.
  1. Design Stage


Preliminary Design:

(i) Appraisal of methods of project implementation

(ii)  Selection of final schemes and compilation of more     detailed estimates

Detailed Design:

(i) Preparation of working drawings and specifications

(ii) Final Cost Estimates


(i)        Compilation of Tender Documents and Tendering

(ii)        Appraisal of individual tenders and advice on selection of

Contractor and award of contract

  1. Construction Supervision/Project Management


  • Liaison with Government Agencies and facilitation
  • Provision of full or partial site supervision depending on project size.
  • Monitoring of the works and Contractor’s progress and regular advice to the Client on same.
  • Preparation of Financial and Progress Reports for the Client at regular intervals
  1. Commissioning/Project Close-out
  • Performance Tests
  • Production of Operation and Maintenance Man
  • Final Accounts.

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